We use gender-sensitive language on our website, in posts on social media and also in the newsletter. All designations of persons are used either in the actually applicable plural forms or gender forms, or as alternately as possible (alternating model), even if an emphasis on gender binary cannot be dismissed out of hand as a result. The generic masculine as well as the generic feminine include the other genders. In no case does this imply a value judgement. All terms refer to all genders (f/m/d) in the sense of gender neutrality.
In individual cases, other spellings of gender-equitable language may be used (asterisk, indented I or gender gap, etc.). However, in terms of barrier-free communication – these special characters often cause problems with reading devices for the blind and visually impaired (Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband) – these spellings are not among the preferred ones.
We deliberately avoid using the argument of better readability, because the alternating model is not always conducive to the flow of language either, but rather welcome it as an irritation that promotes awareness, a linguistic "stumbling", in the hope that it will thereby draw attention to the existing situation and subsequently bring about a social change.
So in language, as well as in our dealings with other people, we are constantly striving for a fairer world in which categories such as sexuality, origin, religion, age, disability or illness (to name just the most common ones) no longer play a role. (For more on this, see here: Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes.)
We feel committed to this attitude in our dealings with each other in the office, in our dealings with our artists, in our business life, as well as in our everyday life.